Breaking the Mold

    How do you take an old, outdated machine and give it an updated, beautiful look? Vendor’s Exchange Global Vending approached us with the challenge of designing their new Discover and Revision vending machines doors. By replacing older vending machine doors, new technologies can be integrated to improve the user experience and increase the product’s lifespan. There was only one catch – design two different vending machine doors and two different touch screen frames that fit within the same family aesthetic, prototype them, and have them fully functional within two months for a major industry trade show.


    Approachable, dignified product design involves a lot more than simply doing a napkin sketch and calling it a day. Despite severe time limitations, we put a massive effort into the initial industrial design phase, focusing on creating concepts that were not only unique and innovative but also manufacturable. The end result was a design that utilized simplicity in order to give the machine an accessible, elegant feel through the use of lighting, surface transitions, spatial play, unconventionally rounded top and bottom edges, and an unwillingness to simply design ‘inside the box’.